Indus Youth Welfare Organization recurring monthly task for social and educational perspective.
IYWO team worked 6 months as volunteer with TearFund Foundation on their project "product turning plastic and other waste into green products, to improve the environment and provide poor people of Sindh improved health and livelihood."
Blood Donaiton Camp
IYWO organizes "Blood Donation Camps" with the collaboration of Reginal Blood Center and Govt: of Sindh, in different areas for Thalassemia patients and encourage youth for voluntarily donation of blood.
Public Library and Display Center Tandojam.
PLDC is an only library of Hyderabad Rural, which covers more than 0.7 m people. Library managed by IYWO team with their own limited resources. The Facilities provided are Internet connection, Daily Newspaper, UPS system, Air Conditioning system and 2 Librarian etc without any charges.
Tree Plantation Drive
Tree Plantation Drive initiated around the district. As we know that trees are the foremost source for producing oxygen in the environment, they help to reduce the level of CO