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  • Indus Youth Welfare Organization is non-profit, non-political and non-Governmental Organization.

  • IYWO came into being on 9th Sept 2019.

  • IYWO built a first ever library in Tandojam and managed with own limited resources.

  • By attempting many social activities now Indus Youth Welfare Organization (IYWO) has been registered under the society Act 1860

  • IYWO is working on the backward areas of Sindh for sustainable development of peoples.

  • IYWO engaged in community awareness, Youth Empowerment, community mobilization, skill development, education development, health hygiene awareness and promote volunteerism

  • IYWO is engaged in creating awareness material on sustainable environment awareness and capacity building trainings.

  • IYWO is working on livestock development also working on much highlighted issues of child labor and child education, minorities’ human rights and empowerment.

  • IYWO is possessing very innovative ideas from the relieves from natural and manmade disasters with the collaboration of national and international organizations

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”
~Oscar Wilde

Our Mission

Our Mission

Indus Youth Welfare Organization is a non - government and not for profit making organization that encourages civic involvement and collective action so that the people have a greater voice in determining their future. The mission of Organization is to empower people to protect, defend, and improve the quality of life in their communities across the state. The organization is working for social, economic, and environmental justice. Recognizing our interdependence, Organization is committed to overcoming social and institutional racism and embracing our diverse cultures

Our Vision

Indus Youth Welfare Organization (IYWO) envisions a society where people of diverse backgrounds are empowered through community action and leadership development to achieve changes that improve their quality of life by organizing for social, economic, and environmental justice. Organization envisions a society with clean air and water, decent housing, adequate food, affordable health care, good educational opportunities, a fair tax system and a living wage with good jobs for all people. We envision a society where all people are treated fairly and equally across lines of age, race and income. We see our communities are preserved and protected with a sustainable environment and where corporations and all public officials are held accountable to the people.

We Need Your Support Today!

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